Sunday, 2 December 2012


Coffee is the highest consumed drink in the world after water. Coffee is a unified and a universal drink. “Water no get enemy”, Fela Anukulapo Kuti sang; Coffee knows no boundaries world over. Coffee is coffee in every continent in the world. 16 billion pounds of coffee was produced in 2009 in the world.
We are what we drink and eat. We are our habits and our habits become our character. Edit your daily routine if you want to become better than you are already.
Coffee drinking is a habit. Many people forget to kiss their wives and children in the morning but they don’t forget to drink a cup of coffee daily. It’s an addiction. It’s a conversional piece. We think coffee, we talk coffee, we drink coffee and our life has become inseparable from coffee.
But how HEALTHY is that cup of COFFEE you are about to drink?
Do you know that your regular coffee contains more than 135mg of caffeine? Decaffeinated coffee has 36mg while tea has well over 50mg? Coffee is acidic. This is why you consume more water when you drink them so you can lower that acidity of your system. Really, I know that’s what on your mind now?
Regular beverage has 46mg of caffeine while an ounce of chocolate has 22mg of caffeine. Non-acidic coffee is too acidic; this is what limits cups taken daily.
Caffeine is the major content of coffee. Many researchers have battled on the health benefits of caffeine. It is an alkaloid plant toxin like nicotine and cocaine; a bug killer that stimulates us by blocking neuroreceptors for the sleep chemical adenosine. Caffeine is a diuretic so coffee newbie pees out the water quickly; java junkies build up resistance.
BUT, CAN COFFEE become healthier, such that I don’t worry about the adverse effect of caffeine? Sincerely ‘YES’.

ORGANO GOLD range of coffee ‘skus’ is 120% the ONLY HEALTHIER COFFEE IN THE WORLD. This is because of 100% CERTIFIED ORGANIC GANODERMA (a mushroom extract). This is what has made our products a highly sort after around the world. Please Google ‘GANODERMA’ to read up for yourself.
In a country like Nigeria that health care service delivery is nearly zero, these range of products will keeps you in Good health.
The caffeine level of Organo Gold is the LOWEST in the world, 9mg and the also a neutral (alkaline) product with pH of 7.3. Our coffee is SO GOOD, because of the presence of the king of herb, the No 1 mushroom in the world (Ganoderma) which had been in existence over 4000 years in ancient china.
Our GANODERMA is 100% certified ORGANIC in the world by more than 21 countries’ Quality control and standardization agencies including USDA. Even, United states President Barack Obama certified and endorsed the authenticity and originality of this great brand.
Ganoderma Lucidium is NOT A DRUG but a Mushroom Extract that brings the body system performance to natural homeostasis (it functions the way God created), meanwhile, when it goes into the body system, it looks for THE SOURCE AND CAUSE of the ill health or any abnormal health issues and then clears it and corrects it.
With our experience in selling these products to thousands of Nigerians daily, they have come with testimonials. Our products are consumable. I’m warning YOU ahead of time, please don’t drink a cup because it’s a TEMPTAION You CANNOT RESIST. Get ready to re-order more like ‘Oliver Twist’.
We have Hot Chocolate drink for children and non coffee drinkers, also green tea.
D' Tea & Coffee Hauzz. ...a romance with healthier coffee.
Hotline: 018440437, email:


Modern life is full of hassles, deadlines, and demands. Stress is so commonplace at work for many working adults, young professionals, parents and teenagers. Stress has hijacked the performance of your team at work. It is the terrorist at workplace. Stress overload kills.
Living in Lagos metropolis has opened my eyes to certain realities. Most People wake up by 4am to get an office that starts by 8am and get home by 10pm each day. They are drained from work, their patience is out stretched in snail trailing traffic of cars on the road struggling to get home at once meanwhile, they are shredded from the stress-loaded daily routine. They are faced with threatening targets and deadlines that MUST be met to be retained on the payroll.
At home there are children and wives that need attention: class assignments to be done, family complaints to attend to, and matrimonial obligation to be fulfilled and waking up by 4am again. Most couples baby-sit in the mid night. So when do you really have time to rest, relax, and recuperate?
Lagos na wa o! Eko no dey sleep! Eko ni baje o! Now you can see where your life is headed for? And why you are yet to perform at your peak. ‘Thank God is Friday’ has become an anthem because it is a dream dreamt on Monday night. You can live every day like it is a ‘Friday’: when you are less stressed, mentally alert, lots of vigor and you are at your peak performance and best frame of mind.
Coffee is not a luxury, its part of our daily life.
Do you know that a cup of coffee can switch your performance in a day?
But how HEALTHY is that cup of your coffee? Next time, ask your coffee barrista, how healthy your cup is. CHANGE YOUR COFFEE, CHANGE YOUR LIFE.!!!!
D' Tea & Coffee Hauzz. ...a romance with healthier coffee.
Hotline: 018440437, email:

Try a Healthy Coffee Today!!!!

Whether coffee lovers are looking for instant black coffee that tastes great, hot chocolate, lattes, mochas, organic green tea or even toothpaste and soap containing the vital health benefits of Gandoderma Lucidum,
 we have exactly what they are looking for.

The Organo Gold product is a coffee unlike any other.
It contains the rare and special ingredient called Gandoderma Lucidum.
While there are imitators out there,
Organo Gold coffee uses only the finest Gandoderma Lucidum available.
In fact, the Gandoderma Lucidum used in Organo Gold is 100 percent certified Organic,
and this coffee is the only coffee that can make that claim!

This special herb dates back as far as 5,000 years when ancient records show that the herb was coveted by the emperors of the time for its miraculous health benefits.
People would travel for miles, climbing high into the mountains and braving the treacherous forests to harvest just a bit of this very rare herb. In fact,
in some areas of the world, Gandoderma Lucidum was worth more than gold! Now you can enjoy the health benefits of Gandoderma Lucidum and you can bring the benefits of it to hundreds (if not thousands) of others as well.

Exactly why is our coffee unlike any other coffee on the market? Because it contains 100 percent certified organic Gandoderma Lucidum – an herb, packed with more than 150 all-natural antioxidants, that have shown the power to:

    Boost the body's the immune system
    Increase stamina
    Improve blood circulation
    Promote younger skin and cell rejuvenation
    Increase energy
    Detoxify the body
    Promote a deeper and more restful sleep

 The specialty coffee industry is booming,
 growing by 20 percent each year. In fact,
coffee comes second only to oil in precious traded commodities.
So why not get in on the action?
Organo Gold caters to the specialty coffee market,
allowing people just like you to cash in on the specialty coffee niche with a coffee product that is truly one of a kind.
If you would like to become a part of our team.

We don’t sell coffee...We Serve Health in a cup of Coffee!!
Change your coffee...change your life!!
D' Tea & Coffee Hauzz. ...a romance with healthier coffee.
Hotline: 018440437

Do you know what the Five Most Powerful Industries are today?

        They are as follows:
  • Health & Wellness - Did you know that this has been projected to be a Trillion Dollar Industry by 2012?
Weight Loss - Did you know that 81% of people in North America want to lose weight?
Home Based Businesses - Did you know that this is by far the fastest growing sector in North America today?
The Internet - Did you know that 100 billion dollares are being spent over the world wide web?
  • Coffee - Second Largest Traded Commodity - Did you know that coffee is the largest traded commodity in world next to oil? did you know that coffee is the most consumed beverage in the world next to water? Coffee drinkers in Norht American alone drink 3-4 cups every singe day!
  • FACT: Ganoderma Lucidum is the “King of the Herbs” dating back over 4,000 years. Emperors paid more for it than gold.
  • FACT: On the internet there are over 3 Million pages of documentation on Ganoderma Lucidum
  • FACT: Organo Gold produces 100% Certified Organic Ganoderma Lucidum, Mycelium & Spores.
      FACT: All of Organo Gold's Ganoderma Lucidum is naturally log harvested

Benefits of Ganoderma Lucidum

What are the benefits of OrGano Gold 100% Certified Organic Ganoderma Lucidum?
  • Supports and builds the Immune System.
  • Oxygenates the Body
  • Boosts stamina
  • Packed with over 150 all-natural antioxidants that fight free radicals
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Promotes younger skin (GanoDERMA)
  • Promotes cell rejuvenation
  • More energy
  • A powerful detoxifyer for the body
  • Promotes deeper and more enjoyable sleep
  • Promotes sexual stamina
Ganoderma Lucidum contains the most powerful nutrients that can help the human body to maintain its natural state of good health. It also improves its level of health if there are problems .
Ganoderma Lucidum works completely on the body and not on the disease. Ganoderma Lucidum enhances and promotes the strengthening of your natural immune system, balancing the body and as a result treats itself for a wide range of health problems. Ganoderma Lucidum is known to promotes overall good vitality and health. It also acts as a harmonizer on the body and helps maintain body balance.
Science has shown that antioxidants neutralize the oxidant effect of free radicals of normal cellular respiration and metabolism. Ganoderma Lucidum is one of the most powerfuld anti oxidants at 23,500 I.U's
A healthy body has a healthy heart, healthy blood pressure, healthy cholesterol levels, normal blood sugar levels, and a healthy respiratory system. All the organs in the body operate without problems.
Ganoderma Lucidum promotes, improves and maintains general well-being.
Ganoderma Lucidum is the English scientific name for a species of red mushroom that once grew in the wild and is now being cultivated at special farms, in pristine natural growing conditions.  Ganoderma Lucidum is currently used in Chinese medicine and contains more than 200 active elements that are known to improve health. The following are a few that modern science is currently focusing on:
  • Strengthen the body's immune system
  • Balance blood sugar level and improves pancreatic functions
  • Protect against degeneration of skin cells and eliminates dead surface cells which improves skin texture and reduces the appearance of aging
  • Controls destruction of healthy cells throughout the body
  • Eliminates accumulated toxins
Organic Germanium:
  • Increases oxygen in the blood system
  • Reduces fatigue and increases vitality
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Increases the metabolism
  • Contains an abundance of anti-oxidants that control or inhibit damaging free radicals. Free radicals are a major cause of cell degeneration, cancer and aging.
  • Assists our body's natural ability to maintain healthy cells
  • Reduces cholesterol and body fat
  • Helps to unclog arteries plugged with fatty deposits, and supports liver function
  • Balances the metabolic rate and boosts energy
  • Prevents fragmentation of platelets which can cause blockages in the circulatory system
  • Fortifies and improves the digestive system
  • Inhibits allergies, relieves sinus congestion, and helps with respiratory problems
  • Reduces cholesterol and fat
Ganoderic Essence:
  • Rejuvenates the body's tissues and cells
  • Boosts all the body's functions
  • Helps to maintain youthfulness and contributes to improved vitality
  • Overcomes skin disorders and beautifies the skin
  • Is effective for relieving external problems such as scrapes, skin wounds, psoriasis, bug bites, stings, sunburn, mouth ulcers, and external bleeding.
Research has shown that Ganoderma Lucidum has many unique active constituents. One group of active constituents is the Polysaccharides. The various types of Polysaccharides found in Ganoderma Lucidum have demonstrated immune-enhancing properties which includes enhancement of several important interleukins. Another major class of compounds is the Triterpenes. These compounds have been reported to have adaptogenic, anti-hypertensive, and anti-allergy effects.
Cardiovascular Benefits
Ganoderma Lucidum has been shown in some studies to inhibit platelet aggregation and reduce blood pressure. In studies of people with hypertension, researchers found blood pressure was significantly reduced over two-weeks' time with reishi supplementation.
Immune Benefits
Ganoderma Lucidum is commonly prescribed by practitioners for long-term immune system support. In studies involving patients with advanced tumors, the patients were given Ganoderma Lucidum for thirty days. Researchers found a marked immune-modulating effect as demonstrated by an increase in T lymphocytes and decreased CD8 counts. Patients also reported reduced side effects due to chemotherapy or radiation as well as postoperation recovery.
Blood Sugar Balance
Studies have shown Ganoderma Lucidum to have a blood sugar lowering effect. Much of this activity appears to be due to polysaccharides known as Ganoderans A, B, and C.
It appears there are three main mechanisms behind this hypoglycemic effect. This includes Ganoderma Lucidum's ability to elevate plasma insulin levels, to enhance peripheral tissue utilization of glucose, and to enhance liver metabolism of glucose.
Anti-inflammatory Effects
Studies have shown that hot-water extracts of Ganoderma Lucidum have anti-inflammatory effects.
Liver Protector
Ganoderma Lucidum is commonly used for its hepatoprotective (liver protective) action.
One of the unique uses of Ganoderma Lucidum is for altitude sickness. Reishi appears to reduce altitude sickness by oxygenating the blood. This benefit was studied in Asian mountain climbers that ascended mountains as high as 17,000 feet with minimal reaction.

The benefits of OrGano Gold Organic Ganoderma does not stop there. We just cannot list them all. Simply Google the word Ganoderma then any health issue and search. You will be amazed of the documented proof and research done on this herb.


Gourmet Black Coffee   - 6,000 NAIRA
Gourmet cafe Latte      - 6,000 NAIRA
Gourmet Mocha           - 6,000 NAIRA
Hot Chocolate              - 6,000 NAIRA
Green Tea                    - 7,000 NAIRA
Gourmet cafe Supreme - 8,000 NAIRA

To  shop online visit:


How healthy is your cup of coffee?

Do you know Most coffee drinkers are addicts? The coffee market in Nigeria is saturated with highly caffeinated and acidic coffee but we offer these millions a healthier option. We offer them 100% certified Organic Ganoderma containing coffee. This Ganoderma (a mushroom extract) is our competitive edge. This makes coffee drinking habit 120% healthy.

Do you know that  Regular coffee contains about 135mg of caffeine. Decaffeinated coffee has about 36mg while Tea has 50mg of caffeine. Regular Beverage has 46mg of caffeine while an ounce of dark chocolate has 22mg of caffeine. But Organo Gold Gourmet Coffee has only 9mg of caffeine. Non-acidic coffee is too acidic; this is what limits the cups taken a day. Most coffee has a PH of 5.5. But Organo Gold Gourmet Coffee has a neutral PH of between 7.3 and 7.5.
Change your coffee...change yOrgano Gold Gourmet Coffee contains 100% Certified Organic Ganoderma lucidium (an extract from ancient Asian Mushroom, exclusively used in the old Asian kingdom for longevity and foster healthy living ONLY by the Asian Royal families. It is called the 'Miraculous Herbs of Life').
This makes the habit of drinking Gourmet Coffee healthy because it:
• Relieves fatigue and Stress,
• Provides more vigor, stamina and energy for daily activities,
• Keeps cholesterol and blood pressure in check,
• Strictly guard and/or reduce your blood sugar level,
• Detoxifies and oxygenates your body,
• Supports circulation and quality of sleep,
• Tame inflammation,
• Supports the immune system
• Provide more energy for daily activities,
• Promotes health and longevity,
• Contains hundreds of anti-oxidants that keep you young.

So How healthy is your cup of coffee?
Remember We don’t  just sell coffee...We Serve Health in a cup of Coffee!!
Change your coffee...change your life!!
D' Tea & Coffee Hauzz. ...a romance with healthier coffee.
Hotline: 018440437, email: